YERP! (Your Emergency Response Platform!)

A system built in Home Assistant for automated, privacy-friendly, consent-informed spotting of single-occupancy spaces.

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Open-source Apache Licensed. Source Code @ Github

Aiming For More Safety, Dignity, and Privacy

YERP! seeks to lower the barrier to bathroom safety monitoring especially in high risk areas, where widespread lack of sanitation has corresponded with communicable disease outbreaks.

Open Source Strong

Built on top of Home Assistant, a tried and tested platform with sizable user and development communities.

False Positive Resistant

Configured out of the box to allow for multiple alerts, to both end users and service providers, before the alarm stage is reached.

Privacy Protecting

YERP! uses no audio or video recording devices, and captures no identifying information. Cloud service integration is available, but not required: you control your data!

Really, Really Modular

YERP! is made around building blocks, rather than a rigid system. You can even allow end users the autonomy to only engage the monitoring system via button push.

Suited For A Variety of Budgets

YERP! is built around affordable consumer smart home hardware and free software. Step by step tutorials are available. Consulting, installation, and maintenance services will also be offered.